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Business Resources

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City of Cleveland
Mayor’s Office of Equal Opportunity

Cleveland City Hall
601 Lakeside Avenue, Room 335
Cleveland, OH 44114
(P) 216 664-4155

Cleveland Airport System
Cleveland Hopkins international Airport

5300 Riverside Drive
Po box 81009
Cleveland, Ohio 44181-0009
(P) 216-265-6791

Consortium of African American Businesses (CAAO)
2930 Prospect Avenue
Suite 207
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
(P) 216-432-9481

Contractors Assistance Association
950 Keynote Circle, Suite 10
Cleveland, Ohio 44131
(P) 216 398-9860

Council of Smaller Enterprises (COSE)
The Higbee Building 
100 Public Square, Suite 210
Cleveland, OH 44113-2291
(P) 216-592-2222

Cuyahoga County
Office of Procurement & Diversity

112 Hamilton Court
Cleveland, Ohio  44114
(P) 216-443-6910

Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA)
Real Estate and Development

1242 E. 49th Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44104
(P) 216-271-3037

Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (GCRTA)
1240 West 6th Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
(P) 216 781-4087

Greater Cleveland Partnership
1240 Huron Road E. #300
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
(P) 216 621-3300

Hard Hatted Women (HHW)
4220 Prospect Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44103
(P) 216-861-6500

Hispanic Business Association
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce for Ohio

2511 Clark Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44109
(P) 216-281-4422

JumpStart Inc.
737 Bolivar Road, Suite 3000
Cleveland, OH 44115
(P) 216.363.3435

Minority Business Solutions (MBS)
16400 Miles Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44128
(P) 216-283-0707

Minority Business Assistance Program
2930 Prospect Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
(P) 216 622-0999

NAACP Cleveland Branch
2131 Stokes Boulevard
Cleveland, Ohio  44106-3084
(P) 216-231-6260
(F) 216-231-5659

National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) Cleveland
PO Box 44600
Brooklyn, Ohio 44144
(P) 440 914-9262

National Association of Women in Construction
Construction Employers Association

950 Keynote Circle, Suite 10,
Cleveland, OH   44131-1802
(P) 216 398-9860

Northern Ohio Minority Supplier Development Council
737 Bolivar Rd
MBE Certification and Outreach Director
(P) 216-363-0008
(F) 216-363-0001

P.O. Box 91697
Cleveland, OH 44101

The President’s Council
1120 Chester Avenue, Suite 200 PC
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
(P) 216 771-8702

Urban League of Greater Cleveland
2930 Prospect Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
(P) 216.622.0999