LIST: 9 ways the movie Elf pretty much sums up any water lesson we could ever teach
Posted by Jared Shepherd
- December 7th, 2015
- in Miscellaneous
- No Comments
The life lessons offered in Will Ferrell’s Elf are profound and unparalleled. In this holiday season, we invite you to reflect on nine specific clean-water insights only Buddy can convey.
A short shower is just as effective as a long one.
Everyone needs some alone time. Let your throne be a place of emotional comfort.
Singing a song while you’re in the shower can help you conserve water by timing your routine. Singing while someone else is in the shower is creepy.
The best way to spread clean-water cheer is singing loud for all to hear.
Anyone who tells you that wipes or paper towels are flushable? Don’t listen to him. He’s a liar.
Make work your favorite. Ours is.
Sleep is overrated. Shift workers, we feel you.
Your dietary habits can affect your bathroom habits.
If 6-inch ribbon curls are possible, anything is possible.