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Newsroom: Media tour resources for #RiverReborn

Thank you for your interest in our #RiverReborn celebration of 50 years of progress. Throughout 2019, we are offering media special opportunities to see and experience some of our work that has directly contributed to the Cuyahoga River improvements, including special guided tours of:

  • Southerly Wastewater Treatment Plant One of three Sewer District treatment plants and the only plant that directly discharges into the Cuyahoga River. The Sewer District has found pollution intolerant fish just downstream of the Southerly plant, which speaks to, in part, the quality of the treated water discharging into the Cuyahoga River. We’ll walk you through the process and highlight the benefits to the Cuyahoga River.
  • Cuyahoga River tour Our Water Quality team often walks streams and rivers, collecting samples that are later tested in our State of the Art laboratory. Crews have found aquatic life, including a Pink Heel Splitter, a pollution intolerant species. This speaks to the significant progress made in the Cuyahoga River. Walking tours available. Electrofishing tours available on a limited basis.
  • Laboratory Our state-certified and award-winning laboratory tests samples collected by our crews, which helps in determining water quality in the region.  Take a look at the process and instrumentation required to ensure the environment and public health are protected.
  • Westerly Storage Tunnel Currently under construction, this tunnel will reduce the amount of pollution discharging into the environment, including the Cuyahoga River, during heavy rain events. Attendees will be lowered 200+ feet underground for a close-up look at the work and resources necessary to protect the environment and public health. Availability and space will be limited.
  • Stormwater Projects In addition to wastewater treatment, the Sewer District constructs projects to help address flooding and erosion. We will offer tours of select projects.

If you would like to be included in these events or be notified as these tours are scheduled, please contact our Manager of Community & Media Relations Jeannie Smith. We are also happy to consider tailoring tours upon request.

Contact us to learn more

Subject matter experts on the Cuyahoga River’s past, present, future

We have more than 200 different job titles and 700 employees that help make clean water possible. If you would like to learn more about the Cuyahoga River’s history, conditions, challenges, policies or protections, we have experts in the following fields that can help.

  • Wastewater treatment
  • Sewer and collection system infrastructure
  • Engineering and design
  • Environmental services and monitoring
  • Combined sewer overflow control and water quality protection
  • Analytical and laboratory services
  • Sewer system maintenance and operation
  • Industrial pretreatment and regulations
  • Stormwater management
  • Watershed protection
  • Green infrastructure
  • Public health
  • Beach monitoring and recreational water quality
  • And many more

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