NOTICE: Lakeshore Blvd. sewer project preparations underway
Posted by Jared Shepherd
- March 8th, 2012
- in Miscellaneous
- No Comments
As part of the Euclid Creek Tunnel project, the Sewer District will be constructing the Lakeshore Boulevard
Consolidation Sewer along Lakeshore Boulevard from the Easterly
treatment plant to East 150th Street.
The Lakeshore
Boulevard Consolidation Sewer project will include the installation of monitors at the foundations of various residences along the project route. These monitors will be small 3-inch by 4-inch plastic markers to determine if there is settlement of any
surrounding buildings along Lakeshore Boulevard. This is just a
precautionary measure as the Sewer District does not anticipate any
major settlement, and these monitors are used solely to confirm our
This sewer will be micro-tunneled, which means it will be constructed underground to minimize surface disruptions, but there will be several above ground structures such as manholes and access shafts.
Project Clean Lake is a 25-year program to reduce pollution in Lake Erie and the Cuyahoga River.
If you have any questions, leave us a comment below.