QUESTION: What would you like to see?
Posted by Jared Shepherd
- January 31st, 2012
- in Miscellaneous
- No Comments
Our monthly email blast—environotes—has been around for several years in several forms. First, it was a limited distribution print newsletter, then an email newsletter, and now a collection of the month’s social-media highlights from your Sewer District.
At one time, we focused on public-officials news, then shifted to Sewer District accomplishments, and most recently widened the view to promote customer-service oriented news and opportunities. Our current maillist includes about 1,100 names of officials, citizens, educators, residents, and other interested followers.
We’d like your feedback: What kind of news best suits this email newsletter format? Are you subscribed? Would you subscribe? Why or why not?
As our own social media efforts have grown, most of our conversation, news, announcements and alerts that were once shared via environotes have more frequently been posted on our Facebook page, Twitter account, and and here on our blog. With that in mind, is this communication venue still helpful? Necessary? How can it better serve you as customers and Northeast Ohio residents?
Leave you comments below to help us determine a direction for this environotes project in 2012.