TECH: If your toilet is controlled by a smart phone, it can be hacked. You’ve been warned.
Posted by Jared Shepherd
- August 7th, 2013
- in Miscellaneous
- No Comments
Before we share this story, if you are a the owner of a smart toilet, you might want to sit down. Just not on the toilet.
It has been revealed that a “security flaw” in the high-tech Satis toilet—a commode capable of being controlled by your smart phone—means the toilet can be hacked.
Is nothing sacred?
It’s true, this smart toilet capable of being flushed, releasing air freshener, or raising and lowering the lid from your cell phone has a vulnerability that makes it susceptible to hackers. Hackers who might want to flush it repeatedly just to raise your water bill behind your back. Or under your… other places.
While we at the Sewer District can’t secure your toilet, we are committed to protecting the sewer system it’s connected to. Three wastewater treatment plants and 300 miles of sewers manage your flow every day, and we take their security and that responsibility very seriously.
But if you do own a Satis, you might want to change your password just in case.