HEALTH: 6 facts about #WorldToiletDay as told through emojis
Posted by Jared Shepherd
- November 17th, 2015
- in Miscellaneous
- No Comments
November 19 is World Toilet Day, drawing attention to the sanitation and clean-water challenges that affect 1 of every 3 people on earth. The statistics bear this out, and the facts are worth talking about.
Here are 6 ways to do so without words.
One out of three people in the world do not use a toilet, lacking access to basic sanitation.
1,000 children die every day due to improper sanitation.
One billion people still defecate in the open.
Of the 6 leading causes of child deaths in poor countries, diarrhea accounts for nearly 20% of them.
British Medical Journal experts picked sanitation as the greatest medical advance since 1840, putting it ahead of antibiotics and anesthesia when polled in 1999.
There are ways you can contribute to WTD awareness:
- SHARE a post or status update #WorldToiletDay
- LEARN more about world sanitation challenges http://neorsd.org/WTD
- TALK about it and make it a point of conversation
- DONATE to a cause that supports sanitation efforts
- TAKE ACTION to change personal behaviors that affect water quality at home