Our 2011 rate schedule goes into effect January 1. Customers will begin seeing the brief messages below on their bills in the coming months explaining those increases and our...
The last 12 months have been filled with clean-water progress and projects that affect every one of our customers and one million Northeast Ohio residents. Here are just a...
The Sewer District’s 2011 rates, which take effect January 1, are the final phase of a multiple-year rate program approved by Trustees in 2008. A 2012-2016 rate study is...
Yesterday, the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) awarded the Sewer District’s Pick Up Poop! (PUP) campaign with its 2010 Public Information & Education Award for its “inventive...
This evening’s SBE Opportunity Pipeline event has been canceled and will be rescheduled for a later date. Tomorrow night’s workshop remains on schedule, but any attendees are advised to...
How will the recently passed consent decree affect sewer rates? Executive Director Julius Ciaccia appeared on this morning’s Lanigan & Malone radio show on WMJI 105.7 where he discussed...
We recognize that some Summer Sprinkling Program customers may not have received their discounts for the 2010 summer season. Last month, we mailed a letter to Summer Sprinkling Program...
The agenda for the Sewer District’s December 2 Board of Trustees meeting includes an amendment to a resolution adopted in 2005 which would authorize District staff to execute the...